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Enchanted Expeditions


Enchanted Expeditions is proud to announce a new gastronomic tour through Ecuador, with a possible extension to the Galapagos Islands aboard one of our yachts.

The biological mega-diversity of Ecuador transcends its many ethnic groups and their traditional cooking styles. Ecuador is a small country but culturally and geographically remarkably varied. We straddle the equator from East to West with the Andean mountain range North to South. This has produced a land that is both tropical and temperate where bananas, yuca, mangoes, papayas grow not far from apples, pears, artichokes, and endless varieties of corn and potatoes.

We invite you to join us on trip around this small country enjoying all the different dishes and cooking methods from the different regions, from the yuca and fish of the jungle, to the llapingachos and quinoa soup of the highlands, to the encodado dishes from the coast. This is just a taste! All the while getting to meet the people who create these dishes and their customs, offering a true insight to the culture of Ecuador’s people.

For those who are only left with a taste in their mouth, may continue on to the Galapagos Islands for a week aboard one of our vessels where you will have the opportunity to savour all the dishes from the various regions of Ecuador. The grand summary of it all! Please contact us for more information!

Enchanted Expeditions

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